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Example Partners  

Over the last few years, ZyWeb has partnered with a number of leading Internet portals enabling them to offer their users the finest page-building product currently on the market.

Here are two of our most recent partnerships, and details of the solution we have provided them.

Timely Decisions

Timely Decisions offer a fully branded version of the ZyWeb Page Builder to their users through a typical Reseller Partnership.

They offer a web page builder as part of their overall service. This is initially offered in a standard 30-day trial format, with the portal receiving a healthy commission from all revenue earned when their users upgrade to full accounts.

As a reseller, they direct users to the ZyWeb site to initially sign-up for the page builder, with the product the users receive being fully branded as a Timely Decision’s product.

Virtually Remembered

A Portal Partnership allows for a more seamless integration of the ZyWeb Page Builder into the partner’s web site

In the case of Virtually Remembered their existing user login facility was used and integrated into ZyWeb’s. This had the benefit of offering the user an apparently seamless transition from one partner’s site into the others with the result that from the users point of view, the fully sma rt branded page-builder product is something offered by Virtually Remembered.

As in the case of the Reseller agreement, they earn a healthy commission from all revenue earned from user upgrades.


Example Portals  

Given our experience of working alonside existing Portals and Communities, ZyWeb is able to offer you a custom designed Portal Web Site that will enable you to start to build an important piece of Internet Real Estate.

We take your concepts and ideas and build a unique web site for you - populating it with content and promoting and developing it further is your responsibility but you cannot ask for a better start than ZyWeb Portal.

As web site growth can be greatly assisted by an active membership, each ZyWeb Portal includes a fully branded ZyWeb Builder that allows members to create web sites that contribute valuable content to the Portal and each has optional Bulletin Board forums and Web based Email.

Here are a couple of our most recent Portals that are available for purchase or have one specifically built just for you.


Visit TeamZone

TeamZone was developed as a Portal for Football Teams but is equally applicable to the promotion of any other Team sport.

Incorporating a custom version of the ZyWeb Builder, it allows supporters to create their own content about their favorite star or player, adding value to the community at the same time.

TeamZone will pay for each ZyWeb account created at a flat rate and benefit from all of the upgrade revenue generated from users who wish to subscribe to the more advanced features of the ZyWeb Builder. In addition TeamZone has banner and popup advertising opportunities available.

TeamZone has optional Forum, Mailing List and Web Email services available to add significant benefits to help attract new members. Vist TeamZone


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