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ZyWeb Quick Tour

1. Introducing ZyWeb Web Page Builder
2. Your own secure Filestore
3. Template designs and layouts
4. Personalize page content
5. Customize Graphics, buttons and headings
6. e-commerce and shopping cart ability
7. Web Page Addons
8. Linking pages
9. Build online photo albums automatically
10. Instant Site Creator
11. Publishing your pages
12. Domain Names

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12. Domain Names
Having your own unique Domain Name for your web site and email address is really important especially if you are a business. ZyWeb makes it so simple that everyone can now enjoy this. ZyWeb Personal and ZyWeb Business members can get their own domain name in a few easy steps. This includes hosting plus unlimited page hits.

If you already have a registered Domain Name managed by another company it's very easy to make it refer to your ZyWeb pages.

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